Why we Dream?

For years now, scientists and researchers have wondered why we really dream. But in spite of continuous research and inquiry, we still do not have a solid answer for it. However, there are a number of theories that have been developed by experts that aim at explaining the purpose of dreams. Let us go through a few of them in this article.

What is a dream?

A dream expresses the images, thoughts, and emotions that are experienced during sleep. Dreams can range from extraordinarily intense or emotional to very vague, confusing, fleeting, or even boring. Some dreams are joyful, while others are sad. Sometimes, dreams can have a clear narrative, while at other times, they make no sense at all.

Psychology of Dreams

In the 19th century, Sigmund Freud stated that all dreams, including nightmares, are images of the things you see in your daily life, but they are somewhat shaped into things fulfilling our subconscious wishes. He further added that whatever you feel while dreaming (thoughts, urges, desire, etc.) represents your subconscious part of thinking. Freud strongly believed that by keeping account of all these things you remember from your dreams, you can better understand your subconscious mind and help resolve and address the psychological issues that you may be repressing.

How often and why do we dream?

There is a lot that we still need to find out about dreams and sleep, but what scientists do know is that just about everyone dreams every time they sleep, for a total of around two hours per night, whether they remember it when they are waking up or not. The dreams that are most vivid happen during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, and those are the dreams that we are most likely to recall. We do dream during non-rapid eye movement (non-REM) sleep as well, but those dreams are remembered less often and usually have more mundane content.

Now that we know what dreams can comprise of, and how often we actually dream, let us answer the more pertinent question of why we dream at all. Given below are the most prominent theories on the reasons behind dreaming, along with how these explanations can be applied to specific dreams.

Dreams are a result of mental processing during sleep.

According to the activation-synthesis model of dreaming, which was first proposed by J. Allan Hobson and Robert McCarley in 1977, circuits in the brain become activated during REM sleep. This process causes areas of the limbic system involved in emotions, sensations, and memories, including the amygdala and hippocampus, to create an array of electrical brain impulses. According to this theory, the brain synthesizes and interprets this internal activity and attempts to find meaning in these signals, which we experience as dreams. This model suggests that dreams are a subjective interpretation of these signals generated by the brain during sleep. When we wake, our active minds pull together the various images and memory fragments of the dream to create a cohesive narrative.

Dreams are a medium of unconscious expression.

Consistent with the psychoanalytic perspective, Sigmund Freud’s theory of dreams suggests that dreams represent unconscious desires, thoughts, wish fulfilment, and motivations. According to Freud’s view of personality, people are driven by repressed longings and primitive thoughts, such as aggressive and sexual instincts, that are subverted from conscious awareness. Freud was of the opinion that repressed longings find their way into our awareness via our dreams. He also divined symbolic meaning from the random images that appear in our dreams as well as their emotional content, creating a method of dream interpretation. Under this ideology, the purpose of dreams is to bring these repressed wishes and deepest desires to the surface so that the dreamer can confront and reconcile these repressed feelings.

Dreams show your life in pictorial form.

Under the continuity hypothesis, dreams function as a reflection of a person’s real-life and showcase his/her conscious experiences. But instead of a straightforward replay of waking life, dreams show up as a combination of memory fragments. However, this theory doesn’t explain why some parts of waking life, such as the scarier, embarrassing, or emotionally heightened components, are often replayed in dreams while other moments are not. Still, studies show that non-REM sleep may be more involved with declarative memory, while REM dreams include more emotional and instructive memories. So, as research shows, we don’t remember as much of the non-REM dreams; we may just not recall all the basic, day-to-day content we may have dreamed about the night before.

Dreams allow us to consolidate information and memories.

According to the information-processing theory, one of the main explanations for why we sleep is that slumber allows us to consolidate and process all of the information and memories that we have collected during the previous day. Some dream experts suggest that dreaming is a by-product or even an active part of this experience processing. Research supports this theory, finding improvement in complex tasks when a person dreams about doing them. Studies also show that during REM sleep, low-frequency theta waves were more active in the frontal lobe, just like they are when people are learning, storing, and remembering information when awake.

Dreams promote creative thinking.

Another theory about dreams says that their purpose is to help us solve problems. In this creativity theory of dreaming, the unconstrained, unconscious mind is free to wander its limitless potential while unburdened by the often-stifling realities of the conscious world. In fact, research has shown dreaming of being an effective promoter of creative thinking. Relishing in the absurdity or nonconventional content of your dreams may inspire epiphanies if you are receptive to the messages. Scientific research and anecdotal evidence back up the fact that many people do successfully mine their dreams for inspiration.

Dreams help us cope with our emotions.

The emotional regulation dream theory says that the purpose of dreams is to help us process and cope with our emotions or trauma in the safe space of slumber. It suggests that REM sleep plays a vital role in emotional brain regulation. The theory also helps explain why so many dreams are emotionally vivid and the fact that emotional or traumatic experiences tend to show up on repeat. The amygdala, which is involved in processing emotions, and the hippocampus, which plays a vital role in condensing information and moving it from short-term to long-term memory storage, are active during vivid, intense dreaming. This shows a strong link between dreaming, memory storage, and emotional processing. In fact, research has shown a connection between the ability to process emotions and the amount of REM sleep a person gets.

Dreams make us prepare ourselves for the real world.

The primitive instinct rehearsal and adaptive strategy theories of dreaming say that we dream to better prepare ourselves and to confront dangers in the real world. The dream as a social simulation function or threat simulation provides the dreamer a safe environment in which to practice important skills, especially potentially dangerous ones, such as evading a wild animal. So, while dreaming, we hone our fight or flight instincts to give us an increased potential for survival and build mental capability for handling such scenarios, from the frightening to the embarrassing, if they happen for real. The theory suggests that practicing or rehearsing these skills in our dreams gives us an evolutionary advantage and helps to explain why so many dreams contain scary, dramatic, or intense content. Additionally, this simulation model works to make sense of the often embarrassing, stressful, emotionally-fraught, or awkward dream narratives many of us experience. This theory contends that these dreams are intended to help us avoid, cope with, or endure these experiences in the real world.

So, these are a few theories that propose different reasons behind dreams—the true reason behind why we actually dream requires a lot more research to be found. However, most of the theories mentioned above are right on some level or the other. Thus, it is not appropriate to assume that only one hypothesis is correct. This is also why many researchers believe the purpose of dreaming is probably a combination of the factors proposed in a variety of dream theories. For now, since they’re still isn’t any definitive answer to why we dream, let us view our own dreams in the light that resonates best with us.

Can CBD boost mood and help with Mood Swings?

Can CBD boost mood and help with Mood Swings?

Mental health is as important as physical health, and if it deteriorates, it can lead to drastic after effects. Take COVID-19 as an example; it has stressed out the entire world by disturbing their daily routine. Sudden imposing of lockdowns, shutting down public places, no socialization, no gatherings, and many more such events have raised anxiety and stress to all-time high levels across the globe.

The consequences of such anxiety and stress disorders could cause frequent mood swings that can seriously endanger a person’s safety. Therefore, it is important to get an effective solution to control those frequent mood swings.

What exactly are mood swings?

Mood swing is a sudden change in behavior from being happy to sad to irritated or emotional. Your mood changes can be a reaction to certain environments or circumstances.

What are the causes of mood swings?

Though we reflect emotions based on the situation, our mood swings which could lead to anxiety, happen mostly by neurochemical irregularities in the specific areas of the brain, most commonly in the limbic system. Scientifically, many mental health conditions could cause severe shifts in the mood like:

Bipolar Disorder: If your emotions change suddenly from being happy to sad; you are likely to have bipolar disorder.

Cyclothymic Disorder: This is a mild mood disorder in which your emotions go up and down and are less severe than bipolar ones.

Dysthymia: This kind of mood disorder is a chronic form of depression.

Hormonal Imbalance: If your hormones are imbalanced, they could cause mood swings. In women, specifically, as a teen and while they are at their menopause stage, they can notice frequent mood shifts from happy to sad to angry.

Substance Use: If you are on drugs or alcohol usage regularly, you may notice frequent mood changes.

Mood Swings are mostly observed in females for the below reasons:

Premenstrual syndrome




Premenstrual Syndrome

 PMS could lead to mood swings in the week when your periods are approaching.



 During pregnancy hormonal changes in the body could cause mood shifts. These mood swings are often high in the first trimester and level off with growing pregnancy.



Menopause is a transitional phase in the life of a woman. It typically happens from the age of 45 and above. It causes hormonal changes and could lead to mood swings.


What are the other symptoms associated with mood swings?


What are the potential complications of the mood swing?

If mood swings are not treated on time, they could lead to severe health complications.

How are mood swings treated?

If you are facing severe mood changes, you should consult a doctor immediately. However, you can try the below tips to regulate your mood:

Exercise regularly:  Exercising regularly can boost your overall health, including mental health.

Get enough sleep: A poor sleep or disturbed sleep at night could destroy your next day. Therefore, sleep well and live better.

Eat a healthy diet: Eating a well-balanced diet can help in improving one’s mood.

Practice meditation: Practicing relaxation exercises like yoga and meditation can boost your mood.

Share your thoughts: When you feel stressed, you should try to connect with people and discuss your issues. This helps you get rid of stress and anxiety.

Consume CBD: CBD is a natural mood booster that increases the happy hormones in the body.

How does CBD help in treating mood swings?

Our mood and emotions depend on our neurochemical regularities. There are feel-good hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, endorphin present in the brain that boosts mood and keeps one happy. These are directly controlled and regulated by the endocannabinoid system. Found in the cannabis plant, CBD appears to be a good product for mood management. Below are its benefits for mood:

It is Neuroprotective – Being Neuroprotective, CBD helps in supplying oxygen to the brain to release happy hormones. If the oxygen level drops in the brain, it could lead to damage to the brain cells.

It is Anti-Inflammatory – Neuro-inflammation could lead to severe mood swings that could prove detrimental to the person. With its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD helps protect the brain cells and improves cognitive functions.

It is Antidepressant – Being an antidepressant, CBD can help in dealing with anxiety and cognitive impairment.

It is Antipsychotic – CBD being antipsychotic, holds a solid place. It not only prevents mood swings but also keeps one fresh and calm.

It offers Pain Relief – CBD helps in pain relief as chronic pain is often associated with anxiety and stress.

It boosts Sleep – Lack of sleep is common these days, and if it is not controlled at the earliest, it could lead to major mood swings. CBD can help boost sleep patterns and restores REM sleep to normalcy.


The Bottom Line

Mood swings can vary from person to person. With CBD, you can get the potential benefits of boosting your mood. Make sure you buy CBD products produced organically. Visit our online store to buy your product.



Holiday stress

Surviving anxiety and stress during the Holidays amid COVID-19

When we think of the holidays, what comes to mind is happiness, joy, relaxation, and spending quality time with friends and family. However, the COVID-19 situation has imposed a profound negative impact on nearly everyone’s health and well-being. This has given additional stress and anxiety as we do not get a chance as earlier to meet with our friends and family.

Statistics of stress and anxiety during holidays in 2020

As per a survey conducted by The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Household Pulse, 44.7% of adults have reported feelings of stress and anxiety during the holiday season amid pandemic. Another research has shown that more than 40 million fight anxiety disorder in the United States of Nation.

This is not it. Anyone can get affected by holiday stress. Holiday seasons before COVID-19 were completely different as common activities used to include going shopping, social activities, events gathering, and many more.

With the rising number of COVID-19 cases, most of us have shunted our holiday plans and social gatherings for safety purposes. However, this has led us to experience a different kind of stress during the holiday season due to the loss of tradition and routine we used to have before the pandemic.

Risk Factors for Anxiety and Stress during holiday season in COVID-19 times

There are many reasons that people may experience anxiety, but what specifically leads to stress and anxiety in holidays during a pandemic is listed below:

  • Not being able to go home for the holidays
  • Feeling isolated because of the lack of social gathering
  • Nostalgia of the past holiday seasons

Symptoms of holiday stress and anxiety in 2020

Anxiety shows varied signs and symptoms to everyone dealing with it. Some may get angry; some may show other signs like nail-biting, wringing the hands, etc. Below is the list of the anxiety symptoms that are prevailing amid COVID-19 times:


  • Complications of holiday stress and anxiety amid COVID-19 situation

Ways to cope with stress and anxiety during holidays in COVID-19 times

Though the holiday season means visiting your family, there are times we have to deal with loneliness.  This is common to feel emotionally isolated and alone even if we have hundreds of people around. Thus, it adds additional stress to the sad person. However, there are certain ways in which one can control stress and anxiety:

  • Treat Yourself Well: You must accept that it is okay to be isolated at times. Utilize that time as me-time and pamper yourself. You can take a relaxing water bath and give yourself a nice spa treatment. You can spend time learning a new hobby by watching an online session in your home’s comfort. This will help you not feeling lonely but lift your spirits.
  • Make Time to Meditate: Prepare your mind and body to spend the upcoming holidays calmly. Studies have proven that meditation can help in dealing with stress and anxiety of any type.
  • Get Connected: Do not lose hope if you are not able to meet your friends and family physically; you can always connect with them virtually. This is the technological era where everything is just a click away. Make time to call your kith and kin, reach out to your people next door or call your old friends you haven’t spoken to in a while. This will help in reducing your feeling of isolation and loneliness.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Did you know that your eating habits and sleeping pattern can directly impact your mental health? If you do not maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, you are likely to fall prey to stress and anxiety as COVID-19 has thrown many challenges regarding overall well-being.
  • Introduce CBD to your life: CBD stands for Cannabidiol, extracted from the hemp plant. Research has proven that CBD has anti-anxiety effects, which may help regulate emotions and keep you calm. You can consume CBD in multiple ways, as stated below:
  1. CBD Oil
  2. CBD Tinctures
  3. CBD Tablets or Pills
  4. CBD Gummies


Navigating the holiday season with anxiety and stress is very challenging. It is completely normal to experience a range of emotions during the season when away from family. We believe the tips mentioned above can help you cope with the stress and anxiety of being away from family during COVID-19.


Reference Links:








How is health associated with mind and body

How is your health associated with your mind and body?

When it comes to overall wellbeing, your mind and body should work co-operatively. In this blog, we are going to understand how your mental health and physical health impact your overall health.

Mind and Body Connection

Your mind and body connection are all about your personal thoughts, emotions, feelings, and attitude towards a particular situation. As per health care philosophy, your mind and body connection is an important aspect of holistic well-being.

How does mental health affect physical health?

It is said the way you think and feel impacts your actions and health. Poor mental health can lead to serious health complications and can affect your ability to make healthy decisions and fight off chronic diseases.

More negative thoughts may not let your brain produce healthy and happy hormones that can help your body in healing. Research has shown that your brain produces hormones based upon your thoughts. Your body needs more endorphins which are natural pain killers and help in strengthening your immune system.

The consequences of poor mental health on physical health –

How does physical health impact mental health?

Your mind and body are powerful allies. They act and react together which means the way you think and feel impacts your actions. Let us talk about stress as an example. Stress occurs because of various reasons like financial issues, relationship issues, health issues or work pressure, etc. When we are stressed which is a mental state of mind, our body feels tired and we may notice changes in our blood pressure levels, heartbeat, etc.

Likewise, if we are suffering from a health issue, it may affect our mental health. For example, if you are diagnosed with diabetes or any other health condition, you become stressed, anxious, and depressed. As a consequence, it impacts the way you may have treated the illness and have cured it for yourself.

How to take care of your mental and physical health?


You can take care of your overall well-being in the following ways:


1. Workout Regularly – Exercising daily can help you boost your mental and physical power. It helps in releasing good hormones in the body – endorphins, dopamine, and serotonin- that can ease the depression and anxiety caused due to any situation. You can practice yoga also like meditating for 30 minutes in the morning and evening also. This can help you stay calm and relax and hence improves your sleep.


2. Eat nutritional food – Your diet has a direct impact on your physical and mental health. Consuming a more processed, high-calorie, and low nutrient diet could lead to poor mental and physical health. It may give rise to anxiety and depression. In addition, skipping meals can also lead to health issues like feeling fatigued, low in energy etc. For a healthy mind and body, you should try to include fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and healthy fats in your diet.


3. Improve sleep – The amount you sleep you take at night impacts your body the next day. For example, if you did not have a good night’s sleep last night, you may feel tired, stressed, worried, lazy, bored throughout the day. As an adult, you should take at least 7 hours of sleep per night. If you face issues in falling asleep easily, try the below mentioned steps:

  • Avoid taking caffeine drinks before going to bed
  • Try reading a book in bed
  • Give your feet a nice massage


4. Avoid Alcohol and Smoking – Consumption of alcohol excessively and smoking cigarettes directly impact your mental health as well as physical health. Nicotine in cigarettes temporarily increases the level of happy hormones in body but when the impact is vanished, the person feels like smoking or drinking more. In the long term of life, this becomes addiction to a person and it deteriorates overall health of the consumer.


5. Mind and Body Therapies – These are the healing techniques that promote relaxation and calmness with mindfulness. Below written therapies may help:

  • Acupuncture Therapy
  • Meditation
  • Music Therapy
  • Yoga

Note – You should check with your doctor before trying any of these therapies yourself.

6. Try CBD – CBD is the short form for cannabidiol. It works in your endocannabinoid system with CB1 and CBD2 receptors. ECS acts as a bridge between mind and body. CBD intake helps in improving the bodily movement, inflammation, joint pains, emotions, mood, thoughts, immune system and related functions in the body. The benefits of CBD are not restricted to only alleviating the bad things but it is a compliment to a good life ahead being a pursuit of health and wellness.

The Bottom Line

Balancing your mental and physical health is the key to your overall wellbeing. If you are able to relax your mind, your body will start improving. It will stop producing the hormones that create stress. As a result, you return to the state of state of calm both physically and mentally.

Everything You Need to Know About Heart Rate Variability In 2021

Everything You Need to Know About Heart Rate Variability In 2021

Learning and understanding more about your Heart Rate Variability metric can save you from many unpleasant surprises in the future.


The heart rate variability plays a crucial role in detecting and inspecting an individual’s overall stress levels and health. By determining this metric – one that is so closely related to heart health and an individual’s overall health – one can get a closer, more in-depth, and more accurate look at what’s going on within their body.


Today, people living anywhere around the globe would have to agree that technology has paved and smoothened the way for improving life daily. Out of several different industries, medicine and medical sciences rely heavily on pioneering technological advancements that help improve their overall approach, care, and services.


One such innovation that has significantly helped all types of doctors and practitioners of health worldwide is the instruments to measure Heart Rate Variability. As it turns out, Heart Rate Variability happens to be one of the most forward and effective metrics of measuring and diagnosing different types of health-related conditions within people. Effectively, it can give the professionals a glimpse into the overall (health) condition of any individual by gauging how their heart is functioning.


In this blog, we will see what Heart Rate Variability exactly is, what its (internal) mechanism is made up of, how it is generated, how you can quickly check it, and why it can be useful in improving your overall health and wellness.


What Is Heart Rate Variability?

Heart Rate Variability can be defined as the variable time intervals between your heartbeats. It is variable because the heart rate and some of the other core functions in our bodies, like breathing, digestion, regulation of blood pressure, etc. – are controlled by our Autonomic Nervous System. As the name suggests, these functions are autonomic, involuntary, and work independently of what we desire or do.


Although your heart rate variability metric shows information relating to the heart and its functionality, it is brought forth or carried about by your (autonomic) nervous system. This means that you essentially measure the overall biopotential that your electrical and muscular systems can generate and provide so your body (and mind) can continue functioning appropriately.


Learning about your HRV can give you a glimpse into how your overall internal can cope under different conditions (more on this below) and deliver its functions.


The Heart Rate Variability Mechanism Within your Body


The ANS or the autonomic nervous system is a pair of two types of nervous systems working in conjunction. They are the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. These two systems have in common that they are both a part of the involuntary aspect/system within your body, i.e., always functional irrespective of whether you know it or can or cannot control it.


The sympathetic nervous system is an activating system that responds when your body (and mind) need a boost/rush of energy, i.e., when a ‘fight or flight’ response needs to be dealt with. This part of your nervous system increases your heart rate, enabling you to perform in situations that warrant it. Thus, when you’re dealing with a stressful situation, exercising, or exuberating more energy and exertion, your sympathetic nervous system kicks-in and elevates your heart rate.


The parasympathetic nervous system is a deactivating system that sends out signals within your body during its recuperating or resting stage. Functions like digestion, growth of hair and nails, etc., are a part of the parasympathetic system. When these functions are in swing, your heart rate is lowered to accommodate the processes better.


Your sympathetic and parasympathetic systems’ combination of functions/processes go on to determine your overall heart rate variability that your heart can offer.


The Importance of Heart Rate Variability in Your Health & Wellness


Knowing, learning, and understanding your heart rate variability can help you find discrepancies in your overall health and wellness. By analysing your HRV metrics, you can gauge how your body’s internal & external components perform.


A low(er) rate in your HRV – shorter intervals between your heartbeats – means that you are maybe drifting towards the unhealthy side. Your body and mind are a lot likelier to get into a ‘fight-or-flight’ response mode in this zone. This entails that you may be experiencing more anxiety and stress and that your body is churning more unnecessary energy than it needs to. A low HRV rate may indicate that you may be experiencing anxiety, depression, stress, dehydration, cardiovascular disease(s), or other damaged behavior/functionality within some of your core organs or systems.


A high(er) rate in your HRV – longer intervals between heartbeats – means that your internal environment is healthier and that you can switch between your performance and rest stages more smoothly and efficiently. This is because a higher variability allows your body and mind to efficiently find enough peace to deliver various functions/performances. A high HRV rate provides your whole mechanism with the energy, space, resilience, and time to perform better.


Thus, if you’re more aware of how your body is functioning and can respond to various developments in your daily life, you can work towards incorporating the changes that will guide you towards improving your overall health and wellness.


Additionally, for those of you who love hard data and statistics about their functionality and health, the HRV metric can accurately provide you with just how much you need to do and put in to achieve the desired level of improvement in your health.


The Factors That Affect Your Heart Rate Variability

The following factors may affect your heart rate variability –


1) Age – An individual’s age plays a crucial role in what an individual’s HRV would be. Younger people generally show a higher HRV than older people–whose overall mechanism goes through wear-&-tear over the years.

2) Genetic Makeup – The genetic makeup of a person affects the general mechanism that determines the HRV of an individual.

3) Chronic Ailments – Dealing with chronic ailments can contribute towards low HRV because of the various adverse effects they carry with it.

4) Anxiety & Stress – Anxiety & stress can have a slew of harmful effects on your health, a lower HRV being one of the prominent ones.

5) Diet & Nutrition Levels – Your HRV may fluctuate positively or negatively depending on the kind of diet and the type of nutrients you’ve been ingesting.

6) Exercise/Fitness Levels Regular and appropriate exercise forms may help you improve your HRV. Whereas not paying attention to your fitness at all can have adverse effects on your HRV.

7) Consumption of Harmful Substances – Alcohol, coffee, and/or drugs can be seriously detrimental to one’s HRV and overall health.


How Can You Easily Check Your Heart Rate Variability?



Gone are the days when you have to book yourself an appointment, get yourself decked-up in clips & wires to an ECG (electrocardiography) machine, and shell out the big bucks to get your HRV data and readings.


Today, there are several well-equipped and easy-to-use-&-understand devices/monitors that are available in the market. Some of the big tech companies have also been able to wholly develop digital (mobile) applications that you can use to record, read, and study your heart rate variability metric. However, the best way to efficiently incorporate modern technology when it comes to determining your HRV is to combine a device/monitor (usually a chest-strapped heart monitor) with an integrated application.


Note – To learn your heart condition, nervous system, and overall health better, calculations are recorded and observed for around 5-10 minutes. This ensures the depicted course/range shows real and viable information to draw accurate health analysis.


To Conclude


Working towards paying closer attention to and improving your overall Heart Rate Variability can help you improve your physical, mental, and physiological wellbeing for years to come.


Through understanding your HRV, you can easily figure out, map out, and work towards mobilizing the best parts of your functionality towards achieving the best version of yourself.


Through our latest fitness application tracker, you can thoroughly learn and understand more about your HRV along with several other fundamental aspects and metrics about your body’s current ability, capacity, and functionality.




Human Resources Cost of Stress and Anxiety in Workplace

Workplace stress is not new, but when left unchecked, it could lead to severe health issues and costs to the organization. In today’s blog, we will review the human resources cost of anxiety in the workplace.

Before we dig into the blog, let’s first examine the statistics globally that reveal how costly job stress is for an organization.